Thursday, 14 September 2017

How to build your Inclusive Agribusiness

Learn from 2SCALE how partnerships and bottom-up innovations can help you build a profitable and inclusive agribusiness

2SCALE aims at improving rural livelihoods and food security in Africa by accelerating inclusive agri-business. Through this course, you will learn how to build partnerships through which smallholder farmers and local agribusiness could work together to make their value chains more inclusive. This course present methodologies and practical tools that are needed to build this inclusiveness. The target groups for this course include;
  • Entrepreneurs who wish to improve or start business with low-income communities;
  • Delegate from farmer organizations;
  • NGOs staffs, investors...; &
  • All potential inclusive business entrepreneurs.
 To register for this course, click HERE

Topics to cover

There are 4 interrelated modules that can be done within 4 weeks. Each module is made up of videos, reading materials and assignments that would be reviewed by experts and feedback provided to participants. Topics include:
  1. Value creation in agri-business: create more value for local farmers;
  2. Innovations in farming: strengthen supply chains and increase returns to farmers;
  3. Access to finance: secure value chain financing & improve access to finance; &
  4. Agribusiness clusters - organise & empower farmers to maximize value creation.
 This course is highly recommended to everyone involved in inclusive agri-business like TFGH staffs. Click to Start
N/B: Create an Inclusive Business Accelerator Account (IBA) before registering for the course or any other IBA course. Please create an IBA account here
*****Learning is a life process, so keep educating yourself and scale-up your agri-business*****
Dr. Nvenakeng Suzanne Awung

Wednesday, 6 September 2017

Agri-Aqua inclusive venture

Animal-husbandry, Aqua-culture, Heli-culture, Fruits and Vegetables

We are grateful for the opportunity to have met and worked with 41 local communities around Mount Cameroon National Park (MCNP) during our research field survey from October to December 2013 (Fig. 1). Our project was focused on assessing the level of community involvement in the MCNP REDD+ conservation projects. Results showed that food insecurity, malnutrition, land grabbing and poverty were some of the factors preventing full community engagement in MCNP interventions. Providing alternative livelihoods (animal husbandry, aqua culture, heliculture ...) to generate new income streams, practicing mixed-crop farming and interspacing fruit trees in crop farms were highly recommended to enhance food yield. Our research will be useless if we cannot lead the changes recommended in our own publications. The Forgotten Green Heroes (TFGH) inclusive venture was established in 2014 to address these issues of food insecurity, poverty, malnutrition and enhance local adaptive capacity to climate change. We started in a very small scale in 2014, however, we are ready to scale up in 2018. Stay tuned!

Some pictures from research field survey (Nvenakeng Suzanne Awung, 2013)