Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Webinar: Engaging African youth in agribusiness in a changing climate, 30th Aug 2017, 14:00

Webinar: Engaging African youth in agribusiness in a changing climate: Wed, Aug 30 2017 14:00
This year’s World Youth Skills Day (July 15) focuses on raising awareness about the importance of youth developing skills in all economic sectors. However, current strategies are not addressing the needs of the youth. According to the United Nations, education and training programs that are geared towards youth success in a labour market are critical in the current climate. The 2017 theme for the International Youth Day “Youth Building Peace” aims to celebrate contributions of youth to conflict prevention and transformation as well as inclusion, social justice, and sustainable peace. Climate change is contributing to conflicts for scarce resources (former U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon described the war in Darfur as the world’s first climate change conflict). In Africa, where families are dependent on agriculture, the changing climate will cause economic uncertainties and the most affected will be women and the youth.

Register now for the webinar on engaging african youth in agribusinesses in a changing climate

The webinar will be focused on the following questions:
  • What examples of innovative youth-led agribusinesses exist in Africa and what challenges do they face in a changing climate?
  • How can agribusiness drive innovation in CSA to combat climate change and attract the youth?
  • What policies and programmes should governments put in place to facilitate the involvement of youth in agribusiness in a changing climate?
  • What approaches and opportunities exist for scaling up the adoption of innovative youth climate-smart agri-businesses opportunities across Africa?
A bunch of plantains ready for harvesting


Friday, 11 August 2017

Relief landslide victims of Lebialem

 Support landslide victims -Lebialem division, Cameroon

A devastating landslide hit Essoh-Attah and Njoh'ngwi villages in Lebialem Division as well as part of Njongo village (Mbo) on the 4th of August 2017 displacing hundreds of people. This has resulted to a lot of human, animal and material damages (houses, animals, farmlands, etc). Few persons are still missing among whom is Chief Fuakalem.  The displaced victims are presently taking refuge at the Catholic mission school, Abebueh. Click this link to support

As the search for the still missing persons continues, we plead with well wishers to donate generously so that those displaced could be fed and re-located. The displaced victims need food, water, mattrases, blankets, clothes and health service urgently.  After which the homeless people will need to be rehabilitated.

An estimated amount of €5000 will enable the rescue team to feed and cloth the displaced victims and €15000 will support with the re-construction of houses for the victims.  It would be wonderful if all displaced victims could be rehabilitated within 3 months from now.

We are counting on your urgent support.

Lebialem division is situated in the South West Region of Cameroon with three administrative sub-division (17 Fondoms);
  • Fontem (Essoh-Attah, Lebang & Njogwi),
  • Alou (Lewoh, Ndungated, Nwametaw, Nwangong, M'mouckmbie & M'mouch-ngie) and
  • Wabane (Mamumbu, Bangang, Banti, Bechati, Besali, Folepi, Egumbo & Nkong).
It is made up of two major tribal groups (Nweh & Mundani) with a population of about 160,000 inhabitants (2014 estimate). Their major sources of livelihoods are subsistence agriculture (cocoyams, cassava, beans, groundnut, cocoa, coffee, ...) and livestock rearing. The roads to these areas are unbearable and often inaccessible from other parts of the country. Victims are somehow trapped in this 'national enclave' with little support from other parts of the country. You are their only hope and they need you now more than ever.
Click this link to support

Relief landslide victimes -

The ruins of the villages

People being evacuated from the villages